In Avo Hass the quality is important up to the last detail of our products and processes. We posses diverse certifications to provide you the best quality in the market.
We know that the most important thing is the satisfaction of our clients/customers. It is for this motive that our commitment is to offer products that fulfill and overcome their expectations.
We work hand in hand with producers who share our commitment and vision.
We are proud to be a company from Colima that pledges in giving its maximum effort in what it does.
The avocados are very nourishing and contain a wide variety of nutrients, including 20 vitamins and minerals. These are some of the most abundant nutrients in a portion of 100 grams:
AVO HASS COLIMA S.A DE C.V Is the first avocado packing house in the state of Colima, we are a family owned company dedicated to the production, packaging and commercialization of Hass Avocado.
To be a company that offers products with high standards of quality and food safety that meet the specific parameters for the demanding markets. At all time having present to take care of the needs of our clients, producers, suppliers and work team.
To be a world class company leader in its branch, promoter in the development of the avocado production area in the state of Colima and its surroundings, as well as its promotions and recognition of quality fruit at a National and International level.
As a responsible company, we are committed to the development of good practices of in manufacturing, as well as in the care to the environment and safety of the worker. We’re always striving together to offer the consumer a product of high quality and food safety. The company Avo Hass Colima implements certification systems to ensure our process and to give greater satisfaction to our customers.
We currently have the certification in the “Good Practices of Packing” implemented in the system of reduction risk of pollution granted by SENASICA, which aims to establish the measures and procedures that ensure a quality process, based on the necessary care to avoid chemical, physical and microbiological contamination of our product in all the levels of the process: from the harvest up to the consumption.